Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Good bye and into the future!

14. December 2019

[Translate to English:] #kurze Bildbeschreibung

After being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2006, the Cluster of Excellence "Cultural Foundations of Social Integration” concluded its work in October of 2019. Over the course of these 13 years, almost 500 researchers worked on diverse perspectives on the cultural foundations of social integration and published their findings in a wide range of essays and monographs. The Cluster of Excellence was able to successfully implement a long list of scientific and institutional initiatives. It provided support to study programmes, hosted research training groups on various topics and established the Institute for Advanced Study (Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg) that became an internationally respected location in our research field. It enabled productive discourse between fellows from around the world and Konstanz-based Researchers.

For more information about the research results and institutional successes of this intensive and constructive collaboration between colleagues from all levels of academic qualification and five different departments, please refer to this website and to the detailed final report to the DFG (German Research Foundation), whose central passages can be downloaded below.

The collaboration of five different departments contributed to the structural progress of the university itself. The Cluster of Excellence was able to play an important role in reinforcing Konstanz’s position as a University of Excellence. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of the cluster’s staff members and our colleagues whose hard work and dedication made the scientific work and the interdisciplinary exchange at the cluster so invaluable.

We will continue this tradition of interdisciplinary collaboration in a new institutional format, with new topics and a new team at the Cultural Studies Research Centre (ZKF).