Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Wolfgang Seibel to be member of the scientific advisory board of the journal “Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains”

15. March 2017

Wolfgang Seibel

Prof. Wolfgang Seibel has been named a member of the scientific advisory board of the French journal “Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains.”

Wolfgang Seibel is professor of Political and Administrative Science, University of Konstanz. He is member of the executive board and the plenary assembly of the Center of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Social Integration”, and Permanent Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz.

His recent work focuses on the theory of public administration, including variants of drastic administrative failure and disasters, and on international bureaucracies in various forms ranging from occupation regimes during World War II and its impact on the Holocaust to humanitarian intervention and complex UN peacekeeping missions.

Latest publications are (among others)

  • Wolfgang Seibel: Macht und Moral. Die „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ in Frankreich, 1940-1944. München: Konstanz University Press, 2010. English: Persecution and Rescue. The Politics of the ‘Final Solution’ in France, 1940-1944, Ann Arbor: Michigan UP 2016.
  • Sven Reichardt, Wolfgang Seibel (Hg.): Der prekäre Staat: Herrschen und Verwalten im Nationalsozialismus, Frankfurt a.M./New  York: Campus 2011.
  • Gerald D. Feldman and Wolfgang Seibel (Hg.): Networks of Nazi Persecution: Bureaucrats, Business, and the Organization of the Holocaust, Oxford/New York: Berghahn 2005 (paperback 2006).

The journal has been published by the French Comité d'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale since 1950. The periodical sees itself as a “working means for historians and researchers interested in the international relations of the 20th century, in political and military conflicts, their prevention, regulation and perception.“ The journal is being published four times a year.