Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Konstanz University Press


Konstanz University Press was established through cooperation of the Center of Excellence and the Wilhelm Fink publishing house in 2010 as an independent platform for publishing books that cover the full spectrum of cultural theory and history.

Since January 2018, Konstanz University Press is an imprint of the Wallstein publishing house Göttingen.

Our publications reflect research undertaken both at the University of Konstanz and elsewhere. As a result, in contrast to other German university presses, k|up is not an “in house” publisher but operates along the lines of the major English-language university presses.

In contrast to a great many academic  publishers, k|up takes a classical area of the publication industry, the manuscript-editing process, with utmost seriousness—one of the major reasons this newly founded press represents a unique  publishing enterprise in the German academic context. AT k|up selected publications are gradually being made available according to open-access standards.


You can find the website of Konstanz University Press here: www.k-up.de