Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

International, National and Regional Cooperations

Because the Center of Excellence contributes to top international research, it needs a world-wide network of cooperating partners. Yet we need not build this up from scratch; for a number of years, contacts have existed between Constance and leading academic institutions in Germany and abroad.

In particular, the relationship with American universities has become appreciably stronger in recent years owing to the “Network Transatlantic Cooperation”.

Our continuously growing network should insure transnational work on research projects, as well as international cooperation and exchange among members of the junior research groups and Ph.D. programs.

For long-term stays of guest scholars, the Institute of Advanced Study in Constance offers a unique, creative atmosphere.

But besides international contacts the Center will improve cooperation with regional partners in the “Europa-Region” comprised of southwest Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Research resources will thus be merged and gaps in research eliminated by setting new priorities.

Since recently, cooperation agreements also exist with universities in South America and China.

Regional Network

Regional cooperation is to be intensified. This way resources can be pooled and gaps in research closed through complementory emphasis on certain points. Parters among our regional network are the Universities of St. Gallen, Basel and Zurich (ETH and University of Zurich, Collegium Helveticum) in Switzerland as well as the University of Tübingen and the Deutsche Literaturarchiv Marbach in Germany.

University of Tübingen

With the University of Tübingen, a number of common projects are being realized at the moment, thus expanding the research profile of the Center of Excellence by important topics and scientific disciplines. The Netzwerk Kulturwissenschaften institutionalizes this cooperation.

Global Cooperation

Another focus point of the Center of Excellence's cooperation relations is to set up contacts to universities in Eastern Europe (St. Petersburg, Moscow) and emerging nations like Egypt (University of Cairo), Argentina (UBA), China (Shanghai Jiao Tong) and India (University of New Delhi). Besides exchange within research, collaboration within the realm of teaching (i.e. within the framework of the MA program “Studies in European Culture”) is a pivotal point of the cooperation. 

University of Bologna

The University of Bologna is offering a practical expression or “personalization” of already-existing cooperation with the University of Konstanz in the form of an English-language exchange-program in “Philosophy of Science” for doctoral students at the Center. The program will run until autumn 2012 and can be expanded both thematically and in respect to participating disciplines.

International cooperations

University of Bologna, Italy

Cornell University, Ithaka, USA, Prof. Naoki Sakai

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA, Prof. Stephen Nichols

The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA, Humanities, Prof. David Wellbery, Prof. Eric Santner

Yale University New Haven, USA, Prof. Jay Winter

The University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA, Prof. Helmut K. Anheier, Prof. Christopher Wild, Prof. Peter H. Reill

York University, Toronto, Kanada, Prof. Mark J. Webber

University of Pretoria, South Africa, Dr. Stephan Mühr

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Prof. Ruth Sautu, Prof. Pablo Alabarces

University of Shanghai Jiao Tong, Shanghai, China

Regional cooperations

Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart

Deutsches Seminar der Universität Basel, Prof. Eva Horn, Prof. Alexander Honold

Universität St. Gallen, Kulturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Prof. Peter Ulrich, Prof. Ulrike Landfester

Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Prof. Ulrich Raulff

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Prof. Dorothee Kimmich, Prof. Schamma Schahadat
Netzwerk Kulturwissenschaft

Universität und ETH Zürich, Collegium Helveticum, Prof. Gerd Folkers

ETH Zürich, Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens, Prof. Michael Hagner