Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Equal Opportunity


Equal Opportunity Officer

Prof. Dr. Juliane Vogel

Gender equality

The University of Konstanz offers targeted career support for women.

Support  for (junior) women academics
Shaping of a gender-fair structure and culture
  • Invitations to and integration of foreign junior women academics
  • flexible employment models and contracts also in highly and most highly qualified academic posts
  • Implementation of criteria relevant to the equality of women in research and teaching
  • Courses on Gender Studies
Kinderhaus, interior view

Family and scholarship at the University of Konstanz

Family friendly conditions

The University of Konstanz supports students and university employees with children by means of:

Service Center “Dual Career Couples”

The University of Konstanz offers advice and support for academic couples and dual-career couples by means of:

  • Advice on contact opportunities for previous professional activities
  • Cooperation with other universities in regard to opportunities for joint funding
  • Contacts of the university with the regional economy and employers in the region

website of the service center

Further information can be found at www.uni-konstanz.de/gleichstellung.

Information for scholars with children
day care in Konstanz, work life balance, leisure activities, paediatricians and information centers