Universität KonstanzExzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“

Neuerscheinung: Peacebuilding at Home. Herausgegeben von Arnold Kammel und Benjamin Zyla

23. Mai 2018


NATO and its 'new' Member States after Crimea
Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018

NATO enlargement has been discussed extensively in the literature, including what the new members would bring to the alliance, how much enlargement would cost the allies, as well as the economic, political, and societal benefits that came with the enlargement process. What was often missing from that discussion, especially in more recent years, was a voice from Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe itself. The book offers an understanding and assessment of how important the NATO is for the ‘new’ member states, and why this is so. (Verlag)

Dr. Arnold Kammel ist Rechts- und Politikwissenschaftler. Seit 2015 ist er Direktor des Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES).

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Zyla ist Assistant Professor an der sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Ottawa. Von November 2017 bis August 2018 ist er Gast am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolleg Konstanz.